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Miniature Inline Needle Valve (NV)

Precise control of air flow

needle valve


The Needle Valve (NV) is ideal for precise control of O2/CO2 or air flow to air stones in ACSF and/or water, it is also used for instrumentation and many other applications.

The body material is polypropylene, with 3/32 inch OD hose barb (it fits on 1/8 inch OD,  1/16 inch ID PVC tubing), stainless steel knob, Viton O-ring. The standard device has a knurled knob.


  • Type: Inline w/SS Knob
  • Hose Barb OD: 3/32 inch (fit on 1/8 inch OD, 1/16 inch ID PVC tubing)
  • O-Ring Seal: Viton
  • Body Material: Polypropylene


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