Submerged slice preparations with easy objective and microelectrode access

The MS1 chamber has been designed for use with fixed-stage upright-type microscopes. The particular feature of this chamber is the profiled contour that allows the microscope objective to sweep across the preparation when changing magnification, without having to adjust the focusing. In this way the specimen and any pre-positioned microelectrodes remain par-focal. This is particularly useful for confocal microscopy where it is the intention to combine electrophysiology and precise localisation of structures (Emptage, Bliss & Fine, 1999). The design also allows for movement of objectives that swing from front to back (see below).

Parts description
Perfusion solution enters from one side (right) via a stainless steel tube and exits through a well (left) in which a movable “L” shaped tube attached to a pump/suction line adjusts the fluid level. The profile slopes in towards the central coverslip base so that the perfusion solution forms a pool around the preparation whilst being refreshed by the flow created by the inlet and exit ports. Solutions can be pre-warmed before entering the chamber with our Mini Heating Module MH02.
Please find the selected references related to Microscope Stage Chambers.